Bankruptcy: Another Closed Rule

Republicans Clamp Down on Democracy Once Again, This Time to Silence Voices and Prevent Debate on the Bankruptcy Bill

This evening in the House Committee on Rules, Chairman David Dreier and the Majority voted on a straight party line to close the upcoming Bankruptcy Bill from any amendments on the House floor, clamping down on the democratic process in the House of Representatives once again.

The Most Abusive Majority in History is only Getting Worse

In fact, since the 105th Congress, the number of amendments allowed on the bankruptcy bill has declined EVERY CONGRESS. The 109th Congress has been the worst ever, with ZERO amendments allowed on the legislation, as the following demonstrates:

105th Congress – 12
106th Congress – 11
107th Congress – 6
108th Congress – 5
109th Congress – 0

In fact, only one rule during the entire 109th Congress has been an open rule, and that was on an appropriations bill. This serves as just one more example of the arrogance of this Republican Majority and clearly shows their leadership is getting worse, not better, as time moves on.

“Here we go again, Another important issue, another closed rule by the Republicans. This Majority is arrogant and out of control. Their unethical assault on our democratic values must stop,” said Rep. Slaughter after the meeting. “It’s just more proof that this is the most abusive and unethical Majority in Modern Congressional History.”

Real Americans Pay the Price:

The passage of this closed rule, which prevents the House of Representatives from considering any amendments, also provides an excellent example of how the documented arrogance of this Majority is directly affecting the lives of everyday Americans. As a result of this rule preventing any amendments on the House floor:

Veterans and their Families

Family Members with Health Problems

Americans who have their Identity Stolen

“Americans should forget everything they ever learned about how a bill becomes a law. Tom DeLay and the Republicans in Congress have stamped out debate, dissention and democracy at every opportunity. And it is the American people who pay the price,” added Slaughter.